A Call For Papers, Materials, Links

In this journal we are interested in presenting material on forms of social organization that simultaneously optimize individual autonomy and the social cohesion of the group. We are looking for papers on theory, practice, and current issues:

  • Theory : Articles that address the question, 'What forms of social organization protect individual autonomy while simultaneously building strong community?';

  • Practice: Articles that describe current projects/efforts to bring such forms of organization (i.e., participatory democracies) into being, or defend already existing organizations that are deeply democratic;

  • Issues: Articles that indentify obstacles that arise in the struggle to bring deeply democratic forms of social organization into being, or in advocating their use. And articles that offer solutions to such problems. For example - How do participatory democracies protect themselves from those who would usurp control? To what extent is consensus decision-making practicable? What kind of learning environments are necessary for children to learn how to use consensus decision-making?

We are also interested in papers analyzing the impact of current events on our future capacity to interact in deeply democratic ways. What impact, for example, will a specific decision currently being made in Congress, the Supreme Court, Colleges, etc., have on our capacity to organize our lives democratically. What institutions are standing in the way of increased participatory democracy, and how are they doing this? What trends support deep democracy?

We would like to hear about your personal experiences in rank and file organizing efforts, and the progress that your group is making in this regard.

Also welcomed are announcements of actions and events, and written reviews of conferences, books, movies, websites, novels - or just about anything - from this particular perspective (i.e., participatory democracy as a viable form of social organization).

If you are interested in submitting material for inclusion at this site please email us.

Editorial and Review Process

We seek to make this web page a forum for individuals who wish to pursue the theory and practice of forms of social organization that operate according to the principles of participatory democracy, and to collaborate in this effort with other like-minded individuals. Our editorial policy, which flows directly from this mission, is simple and straight-forward, and tailored to creating an appropriate environment - in which participation is maximized, along with individual freedom. We seek to promote diversity by honoring groups that are characteristically undervalued in our society (including, but not limited to race, gender, and class concerns). 'Quadrant Four' is operated by a grass-roots co-op, according to consensus decision-making principles.

Papers submitted for publication will be reviewed by Quadrant Four co-op members, who will make selections for publication according to consensus decision-making principles.

Letters to the Editor

Comments, suggestions, and counter-points are welcomed and may be expressed by submitting a letter to the editors.

Downloading for Off-line Reading

In the future, papers appearing in Quadrant Four will be downloadable for off-line reading.

Accessing Archived Material

Archived material will also be made available via email.